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Help Center -> Buying Limit -> Thread: How to upload materials to verify identification?
How to upload materials to verify identification?
Last Updated: Aug 20, 2010 01:42 AM

You may upload certain materials such as credit card or ID to verify your identification. You need a camera or scanner to obtain your picture to your computer. Then click the verification link or contact us. Input a few words in your inquiry such as the name of your file and select your file below, then click "Submit Dialogue" on the right. You will receive a notice after the file uploading completes.

You may also send us a fax to 1-508-762-5318. Please remember to write down your account email on your page.

We will let you know when we finish your material verification within 24 hours.

All these materials will be used to increase your limit only and will be treated by the safest measures.


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