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Help Center -> Get Started -> Thread: How do I send money?
How do I send money?
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2004 18:11 PM

You can send money by clicking on the Send Money tab, then clicking either the Pay Anyone or Pay for eBay Items subtab, and filling out the form. When you send money through the Pay Anyone subtab, you will be asked to choose a payment type. The payment types are:

  • eBay Items: Select this to pay for your eBay purchases. This will take you to an additional form where you can enter information such as your eBay item URL, eBay Buyer ID, and a message for the seller
  • Auction Goods (non-eBay): Select this to pay for a non-eBay auction purchase. This will take you to an additional form to enter information such as your item URL, auction site, and a message for the seller
  • Goods (other): Select this to pay for non-auction goods
  • Service: Select this to pay for a service
  • Quasi-Cash: Select this to send money not involving an underlying good or service. If you use your debit or credit card for this, your bank may treat it as a cash advance and charge cash advance fees. PayPal has no control over these fees. If you select 'Quasi-Cash' you may want to use a payment method other than Credit Card (Instant Transfer or eCheck) to avoid potential fees

  Here's How:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account
  2. Click on the Send Money tab
  3. Click on the Pay Anyone or Pay for eBay Items subtab
  4. Enter the recipient's email address, the amount, the currency, the payment type, and an optional subject and note
  5. Click Continue
  6. Review the information on the confirmation page and click Send Money to complete your transaction


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