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Help Center -> Selling -> Thread: Can the Robot deliver multiple items at the same time?
Can the Robot deliver multiple items at the same time?
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2005 22:46 PM

Yes, but there is special case for consolidated payment. Our Robot can deliver for multi-item payment of one listing item. So feel free to put the Dutch auction with multiple quantity for one listing(to save listing fee). For consolidated payment, which means that the buyer pays for mulitple listing items at the same time, the Robot can deliver but can ONLY deliver ONE quantity for each of these listings. A reminder email will be sent to you and you need manually check if any listing is involved with multi-quantity purchase. If all listing items have the single quantity sold, nothing is required to process the order. If any listing has more than one sold, you need deliver the extra since only one has been processed by the Robot. A little complicated but hope this could be clear enough.


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