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Help Center -> Order Status -> Thread: Why didn't I get my instant order after payment?
Why didn't I get my instant order after payment?
Last Updated: Mar 03, 2015 15:01 PM

Although most of CN-USA orders are delivered instantly after completed payments, it's possible to delay for minutes or hours due to the following reasons:
  • Your order may exceed your buying limit and requires manual handling, which usually takes 24 hours.
  • If you have used PayPal eCheck payment, it requires 3-5 business days to clear the payment and your order will be delivered automatically when it's cleared.

  • Your order may be filtered into your bulk folder of your email account such as Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. Please check out this folder or you can log in CN-USA account to view your order details.
  • Due to network conditions, PayPal Instant Payment Notification(IPN) may be delayed for minutes or hours to reach server. Please wait patiently for PayPal IPN to arrive or contact your seller for the manual delivery.


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