CN-USA:Easy, Fast, Secure to Pay with PayPal
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Easy, Fast, Secure to Pay with PayPal

PayPal is the most popular online payment method and accepts most credit card or bank card such as Visa, Master, American Express, Discover. You don't need register a PayPal account before you pay.
  1. Please select PayPal Checkout payment method on the item sale page:
  2. If you don't have Paypal account yet, please enter your email, password and credit card information to create a Paypal account. Then click agree and Create account button to complete payment. If you have a Paypal account already, enter your account information to continue.

  3. Notes:
    • Some items don't support  PayPal payment.   Please use Credit/Debit Card Payments to pay. Thanks for your understanding!
    • You may log in to view your payment history.

    About PayPal:
    Founded in 1998, PayPal, an eBay Company, enables any individual or business with an email address to securely, easily and quickly send and receive payments online. PayPal's service builds on the existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards and utilizes the world's most advanced proprietary fraud prevention systems to create a safe, global, real-time payment solution.
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